November 30, 2010


The last few weeks of november and the first week of december are all about Sinterklaas here in Holland.

Small children are led to believe that Sinterklaas and his Zwarte Pieten (Black Pete's I guess) live in Spain and return to Holland to celebrate Sinterklaas' birthday on december 5th. I know that doesn't sound all that awesome, but instead of getting presents on his birthday, Sinterklaas actually gives the children presents :D

For the children it's fun because they're getting presents and because the Zwarte Pieten are kind of crazy, but for most adults is fun as well, of course because it makes their kids happy, but also because of all the amazing candy like kruidnootjes (see picture above), pepernoten, speculaas, marsepein, etc etc......

If you're not living in Holland, just read up on the story, trust me, it's a lot of fun, and don't forget to celebrate with us on sunday :D

And for the dutch people: what's you're favourite Sinterklaas candy?


Tizzalicious said...

Pepernoten! Maar ik heb er het hele jaar nog geen op. Moet ik toch snel wat aan veranderen :D

colorsofmyworld said...

@Tizzalicious Pepernoten of kruidnoten? Of allebei? :D

En schandalig trouwens, hoe kun je nou nog niks op hebben?

Anonymous said...

truffel pepernoten. Echt wel... Yum. Hoewel mijn leven ook niet echt compleet is zonder de gewone pepernoten (waarmee ik dus kruidnoten bedoel, lastig hoor).