September 23, 2010

Busy, busy day....

I've had some problems with the site for a couple of weeks now and today I decided to try and figure out what the problem was. Being the dumb webcode-challenged girl that I can be I tried upgrading joomla and virtuemart first but that turned out to be a disaster :( The product pages were completely gone.

It took a few hours before I was told by my host that I needed to go from php4 to 5 and by someone on a forum that I needed to enable SEF (which took me an hour to find honestly), but those 2 combined actually did the trick :D The site's back and has a new layout since the old one didn't seem to play nice with the updates either.

Yup, I don't think I'll ever update again if I can help it :D

Oh, and don't forget to sign up for the newsletter, I'm going to send out a new one tomorrow and it'll have a couponcode mention in it.


Tizzalicious said...

Klinkt ingewikkeld! Maar het ziet er in ieder geval goed uit! :)

colorsofmyworld said...

Dank je :D Er zitten nog wel wat foutjes in, maar ik heb even genoeg html en css codes gezien.

Ik heb behalve stressen niet zoveel gedaan, gelukkig vertelde m'n host precies stap-voor-stap wat ik moest doen en nadat ik SEF had uigevogeld (blijkbaar is dat search engine friendly URL's) was dat ook met 1 klikje geregeld. Was er alleen nooit zelf op gekomen dat dat in ene problemen zou kunnen geven.