I've been giving lots of these away for free to friends/relatives/people in my neighbourhood lately so it makes sense to give one away online as well right? You can find more taggies blankets and info about them here.
All you have to do is leave a comment to this post, if you follow this blog or twitter or blog about it please let me know and I'll give you a second ticket.
Anyone can enter, I really don't care whether you live in Holland, the US or Down Under, and the winner will be announced on monday the 30th and she (or he) will be sent a taggies blanket of choice :D Please make sure there's a way for me to contact you though (email in comment, link to blog, etc etc...)
PS: I've got a couple more than the ones listed on my site, but they need to be topstitched before I'm able to take any pictures.
Oh that is so cute! I used to make those all the time. I donated them to hospitals for the newborn babies for when they get bigger and play. Thanks for letting me have the chance! and thanks for entering my giveaway!
How cute...would love one :)
danielleaknapp at gmail dot com
I follow your blog via GFC
danielleaknapp at gmail dot com
Super cute!!! I would love one for my baby on the way!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
What a fun idea for quietly keeping little ones amused and cozy!
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
This is so cute, thanks for the giveaway!
our new baby-on-the-way would LOVE a taggie!!
nicole at babyfoodscoops.com
Thanks!! Very precious. Kiddos sure love. :-) Follow too. joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net
I follow you on GFC!
fbsumner @ hotmail.com
I would love the blue big heart taggie!!!
fbsumner @ hotmail.com
So cute!
I'm a follower and i'll putt this on my blog.
x Inge
Sooo cute!
Taggies Baby Toys Sale
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