Anyways, this time you'll be able to win a ring of choice, I've got quite a few to choose from, and I'll send it over asap! Everyone that leaves a comment will automatically have a shot at winning, becoming a follower will give you a second ticket and blogging/twittering/doing any kind of advertising will get you a third :D
You've got 'till friday the 11th to enter.
And don't forget to check out the new layout and jewelry at www.trutdelamode.com, the 25% discount's only valid until saturday the 12th.
This give-away is now closed, the winner is Loes :D
Don't worry if you haven't won, I'm supposed to host another one once I have 50 followers
Oohh it's so cute!!! Going to check out your shop too :)
nanoukedesigns (at) yahoo.com
I am in & I have been a follower for a while!!! I will keep my fingers crossed till the 11th as your price is super!!
ik wil winnen hoor...
Oh zo mooi! Ik wil wel winnen!
oooh... me me me !
Hey Girl, ik ga het niet in het Engels doen want dan word het vast onleesbaar :) Een follower kan ik niet worden omdat ik van geen een een acount heb maar ik ga wel zo snel mogelijk een linkje van jou site plaatsen. Zou ook leuk zijn als jij een linkje van mij plaatst, ik kan je ook een afbeelding link sturen. Greetings Anne Moisame
ooooh - love it! thanks for the chance!
shutterboo at gmail dot com
Excellent! That's a beautiful ring you have there. :)
All of your jewelry is beautiful & I absolutely love the "Scrappy Heart ring pink". Great Job!!
bitabuns at gmail dot com
I am publicly following your awesome blog!
bitabuns at gmail dot com
I tweeted this giveaway~
bitabuns at gmail dot com
I love your rings!!! :) And I'm a new follower!
I love the second Little Red Riding Hood ring!!
couponboss at gmail dot com
Ohhh!!! So pretty!!!
O I love it! Pick Me!
Beautiful jewelry, love the ladylike designs especially.
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'd love to win - please enter me!
Thank you for the giveaway!
sturberry @ gmail.com
New follower
sturberry @ gmail.com
This is pretty awesome stuff!
love love love this ring! I want it!
I follow!
I want it:D
Cool! thank you!! joleehamlin @ comcast dot net
follower joleehamlin @ comcast dot net
Your ring is beautiful, I would love a chance to win!
sooo cute! i love your stuff :) thank you for the chance! you rock haha
i am a new follower under kshuttle :)
I love the Little Red Riding Hood Ring!
osalpdemir at ucdavis dot edu
count me in please! i would love to win this ring!
hi,I would love to participate in this giveaway,I'm your follower through Google Friend Connect..
email me :)
thankies for helding this giveaway
Your ring is so charming and vintage!
Please enter me in!
I am your new follower!
This is really cute! I'd love to win.
vivafire at gmail dot com
Oh I love it!!
tlosmom at yahoo dot com
I follow now :)
tlosmom at yahoo dot com
I heart it..
koeyleeyee at hotmail dot com
The "Rose Fairy" ring is gorgeous!
deedoo1225 (at) gmail (dot) com
I love the Alice in Wonderland ring! So cute!!!
**NEW stalker. I meant follower. haha**
You have lovely jewelry! I was never much into necklaces or earrings, but I adore rings...the more unique the better and yours are wonderful! You have a new follower in me :)
What a great ring! Thanks for the giveaway- I love hosting them too!
lesliedoll at hotmail dot com
I that an Alice in Wonderland ring??!! I'm in!!
Cool giveaway - I love this ring! The rest on the site are adorable, too, especially the Little Red Riding Hood ring :-)
greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com
Hi Anne,
Ik zal zsm een linkje op m'n site zetten, geen enkel probleem :) Kun je mij dan een plaatje sturen, of heb je er toevallig eentje op je site staan?
Gr. Anna
Oeh, die wil ik wel winnen hoor!
Kijk, en van zulke ringen worden we blij! one ring to rule them all, one ring to bind them, one ring for a happyer world and the colours that will bind them...
zo. mijn bijdrage. ze zijn supersz.
greetz, loes
I love Alice in Wonderland!
What fun pieces! Love the rings as well as the Wizard of Oz altered art necklace.
aluttrell at cox d0t net
I am loving this ring. Whimsical :)
Enter me please :) I've been wanting to start a ring collection for awhile and this would make the perfect first ring.
Oh no, am I too late! It's still Friday, June 11th where I live.
Anyhow, this ring is adorable.
I hope I am still in for the giveaway- what a great ring! would love to win! Thanks
wow! this is so pretty! is it international?
here's my blog :D
I hope I win
I would love to win!!! brendasaw at gmail dot com
I would love to win!!! brendasaw at gmail dot com
I would love to win!!! brendasaw at gmail dot com
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